Resources in IES Antonio de Mendoza

Music Lessons in 1 CSE with our teacher José Alberto.

After exploring the concepts of noise and sound and their qualities, we focused on the duration and rhythmic value of musical figures.

Once students had internalized these values and the mathematical relationships between them, they were asked to develop a rhythmic motif by finding English words that fit based on their accentuation and number of syllables in the newly created pattern.

From there, we played “I Have, Who Has”. Using cards with their different proposals, students took turns identifying the various rhythms created by their classmates. Afterwards, they had to describe the rhythms; for example:
“I have four sixteenth notes, one quarter note, two eighth notes, and one quarter note.”

#BilingualEducation #BilingualismMatters #CLIL #ANLteachers #MusicLessons

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