Resources in IES Antonio de Mendoza

En el estudio de la Geografía física utilizamos fotografías de paisajes para identificar los elementos del relieve.

Esta práctica nos da pie a diseñar actividades de expresión escrita en inglés o writings como la descripción de paisajes a través de imaginarias tarjetas postales que enviamos a familiares y amigos.

Para redactarlas el alumnado se sirve del vocabulario de la unidad, adjetivos descriptivos y verbos de acción, utilizando el presente perfecto, presente continuo y pasado perfecto.

La auxiliar Phoebe Campbell asiste al alumnado en la actividad.

Estas son algunas postales escritas en 1ºC, realizadas por Elvira Jiménez, Germán Mudarra y Nora Cano.


Dear Katie,
I’m on the Caribean Islands, I know that you are jealous, but the next year I’m going to invite to come to Spain with me. Look the beach, it is so beautifull. Some parts of the water are warm. There’s a cape and there are a lot of mountains. The sand is really soft and whait and I love it!! So the next week I will send you another postal card. Bye.

Dear mum,
I am now in the beach, but this beach is very special. Next to the beach there is a big cape, and the sand is smooth and there aren’t rocks. But the most important thing is that there is a forest!! Good bye mum, in two weeks I will go home.

Dear Lucía,
I’m going to the beach first. Yesterday we went to the forest and there were many animals like snakes and monkeys. After that we went to the cape and we took photos so interesting. Later we went to the montain and we saw the sea. All was beautifull.

USA Grand Canyon South Rim

Dear Victoria,
I’m on the Colorado’s Canyon in America. That’s really amazing beacause it is too big!! There’s a river in the middle of the canyon. It has a lot of cliffs and mountains. I will come to Alcalá next week. I miss you, I will write more postcards to you. Bye.

Dear Germán,
I’m going to the canyon with my father and dogs. We sleep in a hotel, twenty kilometres to the canyon. I’m going to climb the canyon and then I’m going to practice rapel. Yesterday I also swam in the river, and the water was very cold, so now I am cold.

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