Resources in IES Antonio de Mendoza

During recess, music is one of the protagonists. The music class is open to anyone who, following certain rules, can play instruments with their classmates and make artistic creations. One of the stable groups is the Rock Band.


For the last “VI Bilingual & Erasmus Fair” we received a request: why don’t we play live at the inauguration? We decided to go one step further: why don’t we compose an original song for the event? Said and done. During several sessions our creation took form with contributions from all the members of the band.


With influences from rock bands such as Muse or The Strokes, we created the song “We Are All Olympians!”, the slogan for the event we were going to celebrate at the center. Trumpet, drums, flamenco box, bass and electric guitars, we performed live our song that made the audience dance. With its lyrics, we pretended to show the skills that not only an athlete has to have to achieve his goal, but also a good student to progress in his academic studies.


And the best part: we couldn’t have had more fun!


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