🍀 Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at IES Antonio de Mendoza! 🍀

Our Bilingual Breaks included a special celebration for St. Patrick’s Day! The students had the fantastic opportunity to earn extra points for their Erasmus Passport while learning about this vibrant festival.A huge thank you to our Language Assistant, Timothy James Stolp, for introducing the significance of St. Patrick’s Day to our volunteers! Tim shared heartfelt […]
Acogida de Movilidad de Grupo «Holanda»

Hoy hemos recibido a 10 estudiantes y 3 profesoras holandesas en Alcalá la Real gracias al programa Erasmus+! 🇪🇸🇳🇱 Del 2 al 7 de marzo, pasarán una semana en el IES Antonio de Mendoza, asistiendo a las clases de sus anfitriones por la mañana y participando en emocionantes actividades por la tarde y noche. 🎓🎉 […]
🎥✨ ¡Revive la increíble experiencia Erasmus de Andrea Berlango Ramírez y Cristina Illana Navero! ✨🎥

Este pasado febrero, dos de nuestras alumnas tuvieron la oportunidad de embarcarse en una movilidad Erasmus+ de larga duración en Lohfelden, Alemania . Han preparado un emocionante vídeo resumen que captura los momentos más memorables de su viaje, desde sus primeros días de adaptación hasta las experiencias culturales y educativas que vivieron. ¡No te lo pierdas! 📽️ Vídeo […]

During recess, music is one of the protagonists. The music class is open to anyone who, following certain rules, can play instruments with their classmates and make artistic creations. One of the stable groups is the Rock Band. For the last “VI Bilingual & Erasmus Fair” we received a request: why don’t we play […]
Intercambio con Francia

Desde el sábado 16 hasta el 22 de marzo un grupo de estudiantes de 3º y 4º ESO del IES Antonio de Mendoza acompañados por los docentes Matilde Robles Pardo @matparis98 y Juan Manuel león Millán, participan en un intercambio con el centro francés Les Fontanilles de Castelnaudary.Buenos díasEl lunes 18 visitaron la Grotte du […]
Addison Skigen’s Resources

Our language assistant, Addison Skigen, has compiled the materials she is creating in her classes on the following Padlet. It has been a magnificent idea as both the ANL teaching staff of this academic year and future ones will be able to access her materials from the beginning of the course. Thanks a bunch, Addison!
Practising Biology through games

The students in 3 CSE have been revising some biology concepts through gamification. For this purpose, two card games in English have been designed: a taboo game about the parts of the respiratory system and a timeline about the processes of digestion. Working in small groups, the students have reviewed all these subject contents through […]
Medieval Art

These are some of the best projects done by our students of 2 of ESO A, B, and C related to Medieval Art: Romanesque, Gothic, and Muslim Art during the first term with teacher Mr.Salvador. #geography&history #bilingualsubjects #teachersalva #clil #medievalart https://youtu.be/5mgnq65gVBUhttps://youtu.be/Pv1OUBEEkuohttps://youtu.be/SG5IMf2PjKYhttps://youtu.be/kR6OzqLEK2khttps://youtu.be/knDOqE1yWLwhttps://youtu.be/5ZMlJAK5WF0https://youtu.be/_Zf9Q2mztcwhttps://youtu.be/hReX61RONvM
Meet Addison Skigen, our Language Assistant

Hi, my name’s Addison, I’m 23 years old, and I’m so excited to be spending the school year working with the amazing teachers and students at IES Antonio de Mendoza! I traveled here from Asheville, North Carolina, which is 4,228 miles away from Alcala la Real on the Eastern coast of the United States. Asheville […]

Con motivo de la semana de escolarización en el centro se han organizado diversos talleres en los que ha participado el alumnado de sexto de primaria de los centros educativos públicos del municipio: CEIP José Garnica Salazar y CEIP Alonso de Alcalá. Ha participado el departamento de Ciencias Naturales con diversos experimentos en el […]