Resources in IES Antonio de Mendoza

Biology & Geology 3 CSE

Nuestra profesora Mª Patricia Pérez López ha creado esta magnífica página web para el alumnado de 3º ESO de Biología y Geología. Podéis visitarla en el siguiente enlace:

Let’s Know Europe

“Let’s Know Europe” has been one of the most hard-working and fascinating projects we have been focusing on this year. We owe it thanks to the epic effort and magnificent work of our teachers, students, janitors and school community. Thanks to all of them!!!  This year the fair was recorded by some of our older students […]

Visual Reports

Students in CSE 1 B and C have created amazing Visual Reports after reading the first chapter («The Boy Who Lived») of Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone» by J.K. Rowling. They had to include: Title, Author, Main characters,  Brief Summary, 5 quotes, 10 key words and setting. Some of these reports were exhibited during […]

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that observes the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Last March 17th, the English Department together with the Vocational Training teachers and students collaborated with an interdisciplinary activity about this popular festivity.  On the one hand, our students learnt about the history of Saint Patrick around […]


As in the case of 3CSE Biology lessons, our school is strongly committed to the importance of teaching our students to have a balanced diet  and be in good health. Thus,  pupils  in 1CSE B have edited some videos sharing their favourite recipes based on ethical eating,  showing their classmates tricks to cook  wonderful and […]

Musical «Mamma Mia»

Mr Jorge has launched into one of the greatest projects in our centre as it is the adaptation and creation of the musical Mamma Mia together with our Art teacher, Teresa Prat and their students. Secondary 1 and 2 have played and learned the songs and Secondary 4 have performed the musical. The songs they […]

Video Tours around Alcalá la Real

As part of “Let’s Know Europe” project, our students in 1 CSE B have created fantastic videos about our hometown. It is a way of showing our place within the European Union to make them reflect about the meaning of being a European citizen and an “Alcalain@” inhabitant in particular. Sara Cuenca 1 CSE […]

World Book Day

Some of the activities we carried out to celebrate  “World Book Day” last April 23rd were  the elaboration of remarkable  QUOTES from their favourite writers, and some VIDEOS explaining why they couldn’t live without reading and showing everyone which books they felt passionate about together with  the creation of BOOKMARKS. Our students recorded a compilation […]