Resources in IES Antonio de Mendoza


Crystallized landmarks

The pupils of Integrated Bilingüal Project in 3rd ESO have taken scientific notes and prepared…

Animals in Europe

The students in the first year of ESO have also investigated the emblematic animals of…

Rocks in Europe

The students of Biology and Geology in 1ESO have studied the types of rocks and…


El alumnado de 3º de ESO, en la asignatura de Geografía, ha realizado trabajos de…

Spanish History Notebook

Los alumnos de refuerzo de troncales de 4ª ESO han realizado trabajos de investigación en…

Know Your Body

«En el IES Antonio de Mendoza nos preocupamos por conocer nuestro cuerpo. Por ello, el…

We Make Our Own Compost

El Mendoza ha participado en un proyecto escolar colaborativo titulado «The Smart Green Planet», promovido…

European Parliament Ambassador School Programme

Our students in Secondary 1 have created fantastic “Travel Guides” from some European countries as…

European Scientist

From the subject of Physics and Chemistry our students in Secondary 2 C, 2 D…