Musical «Mamma Mia»

Mr Jorge has launched into one of the greatest projects in our centre as it is the adaptation and creation of the musical Mamma Mia together with our Art teacher, Teresa Prat and their students. Secondary 1 and 2 have played and learned the songs and Secondary 4 have performed the musical. The songs they […]
World Book Day

Some of the activities we carried out to celebrate “World Book Day” last April 23rd were the elaboration of remarkable QUOTES from their favourite writers, and some VIDEOS explaining why they couldn’t live without reading and showing everyone which books they felt passionate about together with the creation of BOOKMARKS. Our students recorded a compilation […]
III Bilingual Fair at IES Antonio de Mendoza
At IES Antonio de Mendoza we are really committed to the internationalisation of our centre and to the preparation of our students for a globalised world. Therefore, we have spent more than 6 months preparing this ambitious project. We consider it vitally important that our students widen their knowledge about Europe and its most important […]
March 8th at IES Antonio de Mendoza

The Modern Foreign Languages and Spanish Language and Literature Departments commemorated the International Women Day with the creation of some stunning visual reports. They were given a webpage with all the best female authors of all time and they had to choose one to create an A4 poster including: – Name and Surname – Date […]
Spanish History Notebook
Los alumnos de refuerzo de troncales de 4ª ESO han realizado trabajos de investigación en inglés sobre la historia más reciente de España. Los temas sobre los que nos han trabajado han sido: la crisis de la Restauración (1902-1931), la Segunda República, La Guerra Civil Española, la vida cotidiana durante la guerra o las consecuencias […]
We Make Our Own Compost

El Mendoza ha participado en un proyecto escolar colaborativo titulado «The Smart Green Planet», promovido por el programa AMBIENTECH, un portal educativo que pretende difundir y facilitar el aprendizaje de las Ciencias, la Tecnología, el Medio ambiente y la salud a los alumnos de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Ciclos formativos. Una de sus áreas de […]

4 of ESO History students elaborated a personal opinion and research related to the movie «Suffragette» which shows the historical fight of women to get the same rights as men.
A Travel Guide
Los alumnos de Refuerzo de Cuarto de ESO, han realizado una «Travel Guide» sobre los países que componen la Unión Europea. Los puntos que han tratado en sus guías de viaje han sido: LOCATION (MAP), CAPITAL CITY, OTHER CITIES, POPULATION, FLAG, HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS, RELIGION, TYPE OF LANDSCAPE, TYPE OF GOVERNMENT, BORDERING COUNTRIES, FOODS, FAMOUS […]
Letters from the Trench

Our 4 of ESO students wrote hilarious and imaginative letters as if they were soldiers keeping their families informed about their sad life in one of the trenches of World War One. This task was carried out by the departments of History and English as an interdisciplinary project which tried to enhance social empathy, creativity […]
Alcalá La Real Street Guide
El alumnado de 4º ESO, en la asignatura de Geografía e Historia han trabajado el libro Callejero XXI, escrito por Domingo Murcia y Domingo Heredia Rufián. Han tenido que hacer de guías turísticos por las principales calles de nuestro municipio. Nos han contado la historia, los elementos más importantes de esa calle y los nombres […]