The Cold War

4 ESO History Second term final project: «The Cold War». Our students prepared interactive presentations on poster boards concerning different issues about the Cold War such as The conflict of Berlín, The War on Vietnam, The hippie movement and the 1968 May or The crisis of Cuba. Through this way our kids managed to practice […]
Visual Thinking in History

Our students of 4 ESO developed and designed a video in History explaining different aspects of the Industrial Revolution and the Working Class Movement in order to work in a different way Unit 3. The situation of women and children in the 19th century, the features of the First and the Second Industrialization, its expansion […]
Antique Museum

As previous years, the History Departament organized an Antique Museum in which the students of 4 of ESO led by Salva explained to other students of our school their objects, tools and other devices supplied by their families concerning the Industrial Revolution and old way of living. This activity is related to the third unit, […]
Super Healthy Breakfast at home

Our school is involved in a new challenging project: “Healthy and Sustainable Habits”. This topic will be implemented in all subjects and at all levels. We want to raise awareness about the urgent need to create healthier individuals to get a healthier and safer world. To this effect, in Physical Education our students from 4 […]
Language Immersion

From May 15th to 21st some of our students together with three teachers enjoyed an unforgettable experience in the lovely British city of Cirencester. They had a fantastic opportunity to study English, meet new friends and see some of England’s most beautiful sights by joining an exciting, fun-packed programme in Cotswold International Language School. They […]
Isabel Buckley Farewell

Last Tuesday, 31st May we said goodbye to our dear Language Assistant Isabel Buckley. She has done a magnificent job approaching her culture and improving our communicative skills and on behalf of all teachers, students and families we do appreciate her hard work and dedication. We will never forget her!
Got Talent Show
On the 15th of March the pupils of IES Antonio de Mendoza celebrated their talents with a competition called ‘Got Talent’, inspired by the TV program.The pupils showed great enthusiasm and showcased a diverse range of performances such as acrobatic gymnastics, urban dance, Boxing Sparring, Rap, Singing and so much more.The PE department think that […]
Geography and History at IES Antonio de Mendoza

Nuestra profesora Marta Isabel Ureña Nieto ha creado esta magnífica página web para todo su alumnado de Geografía e Historia. Podéis visitarla en el siguiente enlace:
Let’s Know Europe

“Let’s Know Europe” has been one of the most hard-working and fascinating projects we have been focusing on this year. We owe it thanks to the epic effort and magnificent work of our teachers, students, janitors and school community. Thanks to all of them!!! This year the fair was recorded by some of our older students […]
St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that observes the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Last March 17th, the English Department together with the Vocational Training teachers and students collaborated with an interdisciplinary activity about this popular festivity. On the one hand, our students learnt about the history of Saint Patrick around […]