Resources in IES Antonio de Mendoza

We Make Our Own Compost

El Mendoza ha participado en un proyecto escolar colaborativo titulado «The Smart Green Planet», promovido por el programa AMBIENTECH, un portal educativo que pretende difundir y facilitar el aprendizaje de las Ciencias, la Tecnología, el Medio ambiente y la salud a los alumnos de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Ciclos formativos. Una de sus áreas de […]

European Parliament Ambassador School Programme

Our students in Secondary 1 have created fantastic “Travel Guides” from some European countries as part of the project “European Parliament Ambassador School Programme”. This project raises awareness about European parliamentary democracy, the role of the European Parliament and European values among secondary and vocational school students with diverse educational, social and geographical backgrounds. These […]

El PP valora el impulso del nuevo gobierno al proyecto del Parador

El Presidente del Partido Popular y alcalde de la ciudad Marino Aguilera, destaca el impulso que el proyecto del Parador ha adquirido con el nuevo gobierno, tras permanecer varios años estancado. Nada más llegar al gobierno se estudió el expediente del Parador y mantuvimos varios reuniones con el personal técnico para conocer los detalles de […]

Mendoza Newspaper

Our students in Secondary 3 D and A have been elaborating their Class Newspapers. As part of the Integrated Bilingual Project subject, they carried out project work around writing a class newspaper and doing research about local, national and even international events. The articles are mainly about current issues they were interested in at that […]

The Annunciation

Our students of 2 ESO prepared a Renaissance work of art oral presentation focusing on the main artists of this period of History.


4 of ESO History students elaborated a personal opinion and research related to the movie «Suffragette» which shows the historical fight of women to get the same rights as men.

A Question of Ethics

The infographics you can see below are the result of an interdisciplinary project carried out in collaboration with the Departments of Biology & Geology, Technology, Geography & History and English. To this effect, our  3CSE D students point at the importance of eating well and having a balanced diet using seasonal products and give us […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is one of the most exciting celebrations for young students. Since it is about love and being kind to one another, we decided to use it as a way of increasing self-esteem. Students have been exchanging anonymous lovely and kind messages to all members of our school community. Students, teachers and school staff […]

Letters from the Trench

Our 4 of ESO students wrote hilarious and imaginative letters as if they were soldiers keeping their families informed about their sad life in one of the trenches of World War One. This task was carried out by the departments of History and English as an interdisciplinary project which tried to enhance social empathy, creativity […]