European Union Timeline

The students in Secondary 3 have created an European Union Timeline reflecting the process of integration of every country. It is essential to make our students aware of the continuous spreading of Europe until reaching the 27 European members. This Timeline shows the flags, the dates of the most relevant treaties and the dates of […]
Europe Day

The students at IES Antonio de Mendoza were pretty involved in the elaboration of a video to celebrate “Europe Day” last May 7th. Raising awareness of the UE and its languages has been a matter of concern to improve their knowledge of European languages and to let them think about the European dimension. They had […]
EU Institutions Bookmarks

Our students in Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 have created original and artistic European Union Bookmarks as part of “Let’s Know Europe” Project. They needed to choose an European Institution and do a little bit of research about it. The projects showed the main facts of every institution: name of the institution, members, function, location […]
EU Institutions Posters

Our students in Secondary 2 and Secondary 4 have created original and artistic European Union Posters as part of “Let’s Know Europe” Project. They needed to choose an European Institution and do a little bit of research about it. The projects showed the main facts of every institution: name of the institution, members, function, location […]