Resources in IES Antonio de Mendoza

Rumbo a Kutná Hora (Czech Republic)

Rumbo a Kutná Hora (Czech Republic) Segunda movilidad de job shadowing. Desde el lunes 18 hasta el 22 de abril nuestra compañera M. Patricia Pérez López, profesora de Biología y Geología y coordinadora del programa ALDEA  emprende su semana de observación en la Escuela  ZIZKOV de la República Checa. Es la segunda movilidad de profesorado de […]

MLD Lohfelden (Alemania)

El pasado viernes 1 de marzo nuestras alumnas MLD Cristina Illana Navero @_cristina.0803 y Andrea Berlango Ramírez @andrea.berlango recibieron el certificado de finalización de su movilidad en el centro alemán Söhre-Schule Kooperative Gesamtschule des Landkreises Kassel, tras pasar un periodo de 34 días de estancia en Lohfelden (Alemania). Fue entregado por el director del centro Arno Scheinost y el […]

V Bilingual & European Fair

El IES Antonio de Mendoza ha celebrado sus V Jornadas Bilingües y Europeas durante los días 15, 16, 17, 18 y 19 de mayo. Como cada año desde el curso 2017-2018  el profesorado de los departamentos bilingües y no bilingües del IES Antonio de Mendoza ha elaborado exposiciones,  talleres y materiales curriculares trabajados a lo […]


¡Enhorabuena a todo el profesorado del IES Antonio de Mendoza! Nuestro centro ha sido seleccionado para la Acreditación Erasmus (K120-SCH) Conseguir la acreditación por parte del Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación supone para nuestro centro un auténtico empuje al proceso de internacionalización.  La Acreditación es una nueva herramienta del renovado programa Erasmus […]

Meet our Language Assistant: «Isabel Buckley»

My name is Isabel and I am the English language assistant at IES Antonio de Mendoza for the academic year 2021-2022. I am from Cardiff, Wales and I am 20 years old. I am a student and I am currently studying History and Spanish at Queen’s University in Belfast. This year in Alcalá la Real […]

Let’s Know Europe

“Let’s Know Europe” has been one of the most hard-working and fascinating projects we have been focusing on this year. We owe it thanks to the epic effort and magnificent work of our teachers, students, janitors and school community. Thanks to all of them!!!  This year the fair was recorded by some of our older students […]

Video Tours around Alcalá la Real

As part of “Let’s Know Europe” project, our students in 1 CSE B have created fantastic videos about our hometown. It is a way of showing our place within the European Union to make them reflect about the meaning of being a European citizen and an “Alcalain@” inhabitant in particular. Sara Cuenca 1 CSE […]

Video Tours around Alcalá la Real

As part of “Let’s Know Europe” project, our students in 1 CSE B have created fantastic videos about our hometown. It is a way of showing our place within the European Union to make them reflect about the meaning of being a European citizen and an “Alcalaino” inhabitant in particular.

European Anthems

Our students in 1 CSE and 2 CSE have done some research and have studied about the origin of some European Anthems: Germany, Italy, France, Spain and they have included Great Britain despite not being a member of the European Union. It is one of the projects within “Let’s Know Europe”.

III Bilingual Fair at IES Antonio de Mendoza

At IES Antonio de Mendoza we are really committed to the internationalisation of our centre and to the preparation of our students for a globalised world. Therefore, we have spent more than 6 months preparing this ambitious project. We consider it vitally  important that our students widen their knowledge about Europe and its most important […]