March 8th at IES Antonio de Mendoza

The Modern Foreign Languages and Spanish Language and Literature Departments commemorated the International Women Day with the creation of some stunning visual reports. They were given a webpage with all the best female authors of all time and they had to choose one to create an A4 poster including: – Name and Surname – Date […]
EU Institutions Bookmarks

Our students in Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 have created original and artistic European Union Bookmarks as part of “Let’s Know Europe” Project. They needed to choose an European Institution and do a little bit of research about it. The projects showed the main facts of every institution: name of the institution, members, function, location […]
EU Institutions Posters

Our students in Secondary 2 and Secondary 4 have created original and artistic European Union Posters as part of “Let’s Know Europe” Project. They needed to choose an European Institution and do a little bit of research about it. The projects showed the main facts of every institution: name of the institution, members, function, location […]
Know Your Body

«En el IES Antonio de Mendoza nos preocupamos por conocer nuestro cuerpo. Por ello, el alumnado de 3º de ESO ha investigado algunas de las enfermedades más frecuentes que afectan a los principales sistemas que forman parte de nuestro organismo, como parte de un proyecto bilingüe. Para cada sistema, las chicas y chicos han buscado […]
Spanish History Notebook
Los alumnos de refuerzo de troncales de 4ª ESO han realizado trabajos de investigación en inglés sobre la historia más reciente de España. Los temas sobre los que nos han trabajado han sido: la crisis de la Restauración (1902-1931), la Segunda República, La Guerra Civil Española, la vida cotidiana durante la guerra o las consecuencias […]
El alumnado de 3º de ESO, en la asignatura de Geografía, ha realizado trabajos de investigación y exposiciones orales sobre las desigualdades que existen en el mundo. ¿Por qué está el mundo dividido entre ricos y pobres? ¿Hay recursos para toda la población del planeta? ¿Cuáles son las causas de las desigualdades entre países ricos […]
European Parliament Ambassador School Programme

Our students in Secondary 1 have created fantastic “Travel Guides” from some European countries as part of the project “European Parliament Ambassador School Programme”. This project raises awareness about European parliamentary democracy, the role of the European Parliament and European values among secondary and vocational school students with diverse educational, social and geographical backgrounds. These […]
We Make Our Own Compost

El Mendoza ha participado en un proyecto escolar colaborativo titulado «The Smart Green Planet», promovido por el programa AMBIENTECH, un portal educativo que pretende difundir y facilitar el aprendizaje de las Ciencias, la Tecnología, el Medio ambiente y la salud a los alumnos de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Ciclos formativos. Una de sus áreas de […]
European Scientist

From the subject of Physics and Chemistry our students in Secondary 2 C, 2 D, 2 B and A have been elaborating a «Scientist Guide» from some European countries as part of the project “European Parliament Ambassador School Programme” Concretamente cada uno de los alumnos ha elegido un país de la Unión Europea para recabar […]
Mendoza Newspaper

Our students in Secondary 3 D and A have been elaborating their Class Newspapers. As part of the Integrated Bilingual Project subject, they carried out project work around writing a class newspaper and doing research about local, national and even international events. The articles are mainly about current issues they were interested in at that […]