European Parliament Ambassador School Programme
Our students in Secondary 1 have created fantastic “Travel Guides” from some European countries as part of the project “European Parliament Ambassador School Programme”. This project raises awareness about European parliamentary democracy, the role of the European Parliament and European values among secondary and vocational school students with diverse educational, social and geographical backgrounds. These […]
European Scientist
From the subject of Physics and Chemistry our students in Secondary 2 C, 2 D, 2 B and A have been elaborating a «Scientist Guide» from some European countries as part of the project “European Parliament Ambassador School Programme” Concretamente cada uno de los alumnos ha elegido un país de la Unión Europea para recabar […]
The Annunciation
Our students of 2 ESO prepared a Renaissance work of art oral presentation focusing on the main artists of this period of History.
4 of ESO History students elaborated a personal opinion and research related to the movie «Suffragette» which shows the historical fight of women to get the same rights as men.
A Travel Guide
Los alumnos de Refuerzo de Cuarto de ESO, han realizado una «Travel Guide» sobre los países que componen la Unión Europea. Los puntos que han tratado en sus guías de viaje han sido: LOCATION (MAP), CAPITAL CITY, OTHER CITIES, POPULATION, FLAG, HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS, RELIGION, TYPE OF LANDSCAPE, TYPE OF GOVERNMENT, BORDERING COUNTRIES, FOODS, FAMOUS […]
Letters from the Trench
Our 4 of ESO students wrote hilarious and imaginative letters as if they were soldiers keeping their families informed about their sad life in one of the trenches of World War One. This task was carried out by the departments of History and English as an interdisciplinary project which tried to enhance social empathy, creativity […]
«Women and girls from the science day»
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February that aim to promote women and girls in science. Para conmemorar el día Internacional de la mujer y la niña en la Ciencia se han realizado diferentes actividades en el centro. También os recomendamos visitar la web «no more matildas» donde se explica como a lo largo de la […]
Medieval Music
The students in 2º ESO have been doing some research about Medieval Music and Renaissance with their teacher Mr Jorge. Here you have some examples.
Designing Websites
El alumnado de 2º C y 2º D están realizando páginas webs en la asignatura de Informática Bilingüe TIC con Mr. Víctor Fuentes Martínez. Se engloba dentro de uno de los proyectos interdisciplinares más ambiciosos de este curso (Let’s explore Europe!). Están participando todos los cursos y todas las asignaturas bilingües además del alumnado de […]
Concienciar para el reciclaje en casa
Los alumnos de 2ºA y 2ºC de la asignatura de Física y Química Bilingüe han realizado una labor extraordinaria con familias de su entorno para concienciarles en la importancia del reciclaje, de forma que se puedan reutilizar los envases y embalajes que al final van a parar al cubo de basura. El trabajo ha consistido […]