Visual Thinking in History
Our students of 4 ESO developed and designed a video in History explaining different aspects of the Industrial Revolution and the Working Class Movement in order to work in a different way Unit 3. The situation of women and children in the 19th century, the features of the First and the Second Industrialization, its expansion […]
Los alumnos de 2CSE han elaborado pequeños trabajos de investigación sobre la Alta Edad Media. Hemos conocido un poco más sobre la economía, sociedad y cultura de los pueblos que habitaron Europa tras la caída del Imperio Romano, especialmente de visigodos, bizantinos y musulmanes. Tenemos la suerte de tener un alumnado implicado con la asignatura […]
Para terminar el bloque de economía, el alumnado de 3CSE, ha expuesto en clase sus presentaciones sobre las actividades que componen el sector terciario. Hemos conocido con más detalle sus actividades más importantes tales como el turismo, los transportes y los medios de comunicación, especialmente, en los países más avanzados.
Antique Museum
As previous years, the History Departament organized an Antique Museum in which the students of 4 of ESO led by Salva explained to other students of our school their objects, tools and other devices supplied by their families concerning the Industrial Revolution and old way of living. This activity is related to the third unit, […]
Final School Trip (Madrid, Jaca, Salou)
Speaking in public with ease and knowing how to face oral projects correctly are highly valued skills, and we believe it is of the utmost importance. We try hard to incorporate these skills into our lessons. Lucia Yébenes Coca from 4 CSE A created an incredible video about her final school trip where we can […]
Los alumnos de 2 CSE están realizando trabajos de investigación sobre las ciudades en el mundo actual. De las más de 500.000 ciudades que hay en el mundo cada alumnos ha escogido una y han indagado sobre aspectos como su población (natalidad, mortalidad, densidad de población, número de habitantes), su localización en el mundo, su […]
Después de haber estudiado las actividades económicas y su clasificación, nos hemos adentrado en el sector primario. Los alumnos de 3CSE han elaborado pequeños trabajos de investigación sobre las actividades que componen el sector primario: agricultura, ganadería, pesca, explotación forestal o minería. Os dejamos por aquí una pequeña muestra de nuestras exposiciones! Esperamos que os […]
Language Immersion
From May 15th to 21st some of our students together with three teachers enjoyed an unforgettable experience in the lovely British city of Cirencester. They had a fantastic opportunity to study English, meet new friends and see some of England’s most beautiful sights by joining an exciting, fun-packed programme in Cotswold International Language School. They […]
Isabel Buckley Farewell
Last Tuesday, 31st May we said goodbye to our dear Language Assistant Isabel Buckley. She has done a magnificent job approaching her culture and improving our communicative skills and on behalf of all teachers, students and families we do appreciate her hard work and dedication. We will never forget her!
Got Talent Show
On the 15th of March the pupils of IES Antonio de Mendoza celebrated their talents with a competition called ‘Got Talent’, inspired by the TV program.The pupils showed great enthusiasm and showcased a diverse range of performances such as acrobatic gymnastics, urban dance, Boxing Sparring, Rap, Singing and so much more.The PE department think that […]